Coaching Skills for Leaders

Malaysia ISO Consultant


The culture of a company is its most important part. It is what brings everyone together. Creating and keeping a coaching culture in an organisation is the key to making it high-performing. Coaching culture creates empowerment, increases engagement, develops people and performance, improves creativity and raises responsibility in employees.

In our fast-paced world, management and leadership based on command and control no longer work. People need to be able to make decisions quickly and act on changing situations as they happen. They need a different kind of management for this. One that gives people power, helps them, and cares for them. A Coaching Culture gives you this.


To create a coaching culture that will help leaders to achieve goals and develop
staff competencies.

  • Learn communication and relationship skills for better understanding.
  • Learn coaching skills to develop staff competencies.
  • Nurture creativity and innovation, empowering staffs in solving problems.
  • Develop skills in delegating and overcoming fear and trust issues in delegating.
  • Learn to make decisions that are realistic, based upon current situation and people
  • Create a culture of feedback that balances between care and demand on improvement
  • Right coaching to help people to transform


Business Owners, Senior Managers, Mid-level Managers, Team Leaders, Executives, Human Resource Professionals.

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